Within the Phoenix the reward system is based around positive reinforcements and the language of choice. In our ks2 class, each student has a tracking sheet that is completed after each part of the day, inclusive of playtimes and eating lunch by the teachers. The tracking sheet has the opportunity to achieve 10 learning and 10 behaviour points, these points equate to minutes towards their daily reward. Reward time is the last 20 minutes of every day.
Throughout the day students are awarded points for making good choices, supporting others, following instructions, being polite and kind and many other reasons dependent on the complex needs of the child and behaviours they display. These points are added up daily towards 1st Reward 160 points - 10 minutes extra playtime - 2nd Reward 320 points - 20 minutes extra playtime - 3rd Reward 30 minutes extra playtime, activity of choice or a prize out of the box.
In the K.S.1 class they are continuously working towards rewards. Part of the TEACCH system that is used within the class is based around identifying their choice prior to earning their 3 tokens for achieving the learning task . They will then have 10 minutes of reward time. All students have a daily points chart and immediate points are given the same as the K.S.2 class. These daily points are added into their own marble jar towards their 1st, 2nd and 3rd reward.
Weekly assembly on a Friday is to celebrate the positive choices the students have made. Certificates for rewards achieved are given, as well as a KS1 and KS2 pupil of the week award and trophy.
The pupil of the week is agreed by all staff and is for students that have shown small progress in an area of extreme difficulty.
Staff recognition is also used daily. Students will bring their work to the Head Teacher, who will then award a head teachers sticker. Their work will also be displayed on the ‘work to be proud of’ board as well as photocopied and sent home to parents/carers.