Rewards- Going for Gold
Throughout lessons students are awarded points for both their attitude to learning and their behaviour in the classroom. These are based on pre-set descriptors (see below). Students can be awarded the same level for their attitude to learning and their behaviour in the classroom or different levels for each. These are recorded on Arbor. Students are rewarded based on their total points at the end of each half term. Students can also be awarded additional points for exceptional behaviour in social times. We also often do Star student: Every member of staff has star student cards, to hand out during the day and Mystery teacher: Where a member of staff will be selected at random at lunchtime. That teacher’s points will be doubled for each of the students they have awarded. These are aimed at helping students achieve Gold at the end of the half term.
Bronze: I complete at least 50% of the work set (1 point) I follow classroom expectations, with four reminders (1 point).
KS4 Bronze reward boundary (Summer) : 450+ points. Reward: park/ Onsite activities
Silver: I complete at least 75% of the work set (5 points) I follow classroom expectations, with three reminders (5 points).
KS4 Silver reward boundary (Summer): 1350+ points. Reward: Cinema
Gold: I complete all my work to the expected standard (10 points). I follow all classroom expectations, with one reminder (10 points).
KS4 Gold reward boundary (Summer) 1850+ points. Reward: Paintballing