Prince's Trust
Curriculum intent:
The Prince's Trust Award/Certificate in Personal Development and Employability Skills (PDE) programme helps learners to develop skills and experience for life, whilst building their confidence to realise their potential. The PDE qualification recognises a breadth of personal skills, qualities and attitudes required by employers across a range of sectors.
KS4 Implementation
The PDE qualification is followed in years 10 and 11, with the majority of students completing at least two units, which are then externally assessed and awarded. The units undertaken at RVC are: Teamwork Skills, Undertaking an Enterprise Project, Career Planning, Wellbeing, Presentation Skills and Managing Money. Our Achieve lessons we have high expectations for all students, who learn through both independent and group activities. Students are encouraged to engage in activities that are outside their comfort zone, for example speaking to an audience or thinking more creatively. Lessons are related to real-life scenarios which enables students to recognise how their acquisition of skills can be used in the future. Reading is a key part of all lessons, where key vocabulary and clear written and verbal expression is promoted. Students evaluate their work and learn how to view critical and positive feedback in order to improve their work.
KS4 Impact:
Students participating in the Achieve programme will be able to use their skills in problem-solving, time management and communication to support their achievement across all curriculum areas. As part of the Careers Planning unit students will produce a CV, undertake a mock interview, complete a job application example and apply for their chosen post 16 destination which ensures they have a secure plan when they leave us and feel more confident in their next steps. Our students will gain an understanding of money management and budgeting, essential skills for life. Student wellbeing will be improved, leading to increased self-confidence and building of resilience, resulting in a more positive outlook in their personal and school life. Through exposure to a variety of experiences and opportunities, students' aspirations are raised, inspiring them to set ambitious goals for their future.