Permanent Exclusions
When spaces are available the Local Authority directs Reigate Valley College to enrol pupils who have been permanently excluded from Primary and Secondary schools within the South East area of Surrey.
Early Intervention Placements
Primary Intervention Admissions
Primary Schools are able to make a referral to Reigate Valley College by completing and returning the ‘Alternative Provision – Early Intervention Screener’ to S.T.I.P.S (Specialist Teachers for Inclusive Practice Service) and RVC. This form is provided to schools via the local area S.T.I.P.S. Team.
Each pupil’s referral form is discussed at a Panel meeting that is held half-termly. The Panel includes Lead Professionals from S.T.I.P.S, the S.E.N.D Team Manager and members of the Reigate Valley College Leadership Team.
Pupils are offered a place at the Phoenix Campus of RVC based on suitability and need using an agreed criteria. The intervention programmes offered are typically 12 weeks in length and are a full time placement. A review meeting takes place during the 7th week with the placing school. During this meeting, progress is discussed and a suitable transition plan is devised.
At the end of the 12-week intervention, an exit meeting will be held with RVC, parents, the placing school and S.T.I.P.S. Further support can be continued once back in school, supported via the Behaviour Reintegration Support Assistant via S.T.I.P.S.
Secondary Intervention Admissions
Admissions to Reigate Valley College are by referral by mainstream school only.
For more details on Surrey School Admissions, click here